** Major revision under way  2008/9 **

Based around my Devon & Cornwall origins     

Tucker - Thompson - Rundle - Earl


My data is now searchable online at   RootsWeb.com   as part of their free WorldConnect Project, and also at  Genes Reunited

I've also started an online  Photo Gallery [click here]


Click on these purple links for the original   "very provisional"   Ahnentafel , with a linked Index of my  ancestors   plus  a  Gedcom-to-HTML  listing of the original TMG database, using  'ged2html'  


Quite a few years ago I remarked that  "The data has been imported into "The Master Genealogist" from several programs and/or sources, and therefore is somewhat jumbled - especially with regard to notes and sources - but a painstaking data cleanup is under way.  It can only get better !! "    

Wishful thinking at the time.  Well, it is now finally happening  !  As part of my sorting process I need to scan a load of certificates and photo's, so I'll be putting up an   Online Library  of  birth/marriage/death certificates and all sorts of other stuff.  If any of it is useful to you, please feel free to look , and I'd appreciate a mention if you copy any and publish to the web or wherever.  If you think we could be related, then please  email me.....   I have also come full circle, and again use  Brothers Keeper  for my data, why not try it ?

Some of the links below may now be invalid, so the whole section is effectively under revision - June 2006

UK and International links  links under revision, some are broken... 

Devon & Cornwall specific information    links under revision, some are broken... 


The above Links are only a fraction of the many Genealogical sites available, indeed, each site usually has it's own set of links which link to other sites with links, and so on......   These are all being added to constantly as more and more useful resources now come online, as Family History increases in popularity.  Good Luck in your research !